Coca-Cola’s Secret Ingredient Used to be Cocaine

Coca-Cola's Secret Ingredient Used to be Cocaine

Where did you think it got the name Coca-Cola anyway? Yes, popular legend is correct, and the soft drink did ...

The Official Pledge of Allegiance Salute Used to be a ‘Hitler Salute’

The Official Pledge of Allegiance Salute Used to be a ‘Hitler Salute’

... Yes, that title is correct. Read on, intrepid history-seekers. Above: The Bellamy Salute, before WWII The ...

Use of the US Flag in Advertising is Illegal

Use of the US Flag in Advertising is Illegal

Especially since 9/11, the American flag has been plastered on everything from coffee mugs to underwear, and seeing ...

The First Openly Gay Elected Official in the US Was Shot to Death

The year was 1977 and after several earlier failed campaigns, photography store owner turned equal rights activist ...

Color Photography Technology Has Existed For About 150 Years

When people think history, they all too often think in black and white when events before, say, the 1970s are ...

Pink Wasn’t Always Considered a Feminine Color and Blue Wasn’t Always Masculine

Any expectant mother or father these days is doubtless aware that items designed for baby girls are commonly pink, ...